Sunday, February 9, 2014

Sunday Stash #3

This little bundle is another purchase from the fabulous shop Lola Pink. I had seen it around the bloggy world and knew I liked it but I fell in LOVE the second I saw it in person.

Gracie Girl by Lori Holt for Riley Blake.

From time to time I would open it up and contemplate cutting into it but it hadn't really spoken to me yet.

Theses beauties have been calling to me lately though and I think its about time I respond. I don't think it's physically possible to ignore these absolutely perfect vintage clocks anymore!

Now the question is, do I use them to join a quilt along that's beginning soon or do I do my own thing? Decisions, decisions.... Either way it will be awesome, I can promise you that! Because, I mean really, how could it not be with these guys?

Linking up to Kate Quilts (via Molli Sparkles!) for Sunday Stash!

Thanks for stopping by,

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

WIP Wednesday #2

Welcome to my 2nd WIP Wednesday report!

I posted recently about some zombie apocalypse fabric I had accuired for my dad's quilt but I was still missing that perfect border/sashing material I had spotted at my LQS.

Well, my dad approved of my selection and I have started cutting into it! I think this looks like an old busted up screen from a window or door. Perfect for the post apocalyptic world!

This quilt was actually in-line behind a few others but the fabrics kept calling to me! They were begging to be cut into! I don't know if you know this but zombies are very demanding creatures.

So to the front of the line these guys go. At least until some other fabric starts begging for attention. I guess that's how all these WIPs start to pile up after a while :)

Oh yeah, you see that awesome pile of extra little bits at the top of this picture? I already have plans for it too. They may or may not jump to the front of the line also ;)

Since these pictures have been taken I have made even more progress with this quilt top and I can't wait to show you all!

Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday!

Thanks for stopping by,

Friday, January 31, 2014

Finish It Up Friday #1

I made my first pillow! WHOOP! This little guy is a test block from a quilt I have planned. My points aren't as sharp as I would like and there is a teensy little oil stain because I didn't run enough scrap fabric through the machine after a cleaning (or I used too much oil) but I LOVE it! It was destined to become an orphan or maybe pieced into the back but now its an awesome pillow!

What in the world have I been waiting for? Envelope closures are EASY!

Hopefully my next one won't have that little bludge. I could totally rip this one and fix it but ... why? LOL I just made it up as I went along and learned lots!

I have seen so many quilt/pillow/projects in the snow pictures floating around the bloggy world and was so jealous :) But, living in Texas, meant those pictures just weren't in the cards for me. Or so I thought! We got 2 inches of snow last week (it's okay for you northern folks to laugh now) because we couldn't be happier about it! Ok, here is the last snow pic of the year... maybe ever HaHa...

Linking up with Amanda Jean for finish it up Friday over at crazymomquilts!
Thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Stash #2

Since I started aquiring a stash long before blogging I am still showing off some oldies but goodies. Hope you don't mind!

Kate & Birdie Co.... le sigh... I LOVE everything they do. I even have a pre-order in for their newest line Storybook already :) Here is their last collection Bluebird Park still all bundled up and uncut.

I can't even put into words my love of this collection!

The hedgehogs! The bunnies! The hummingbirds! Love. It. All.

These bicycles and park scenes are my favorites though. Wait... I can't pick a favorite... that would be like trying to pick a favorite child. And parents don't have favorites right? Right?....

And these small flowers... so cute!

This adorable bundle was put together by the extremely talented, welcoming, friendly ladies over at Lola Pink. My favorite fabric store to visit in the southern Louisiana area.

Linking up with Sarah Quilts who is hosting Sunday Stash for Molli Sparkles.

Thanks for stopping by,

Monday, January 20, 2014

TLP: The Library Challenge

I have decided to take the plunge and participate in my first ever Quilt Along. Even before I had a blog a quilt along was far too intimidating for me. The deadlines... the accountability... the everything! LOL! But participating in a quilt along is one of my yearly goals this year and I really like the vibe of the The Library Challenge (TLC) so here I am!

1. This awesome book of 501 blocks was the first book I ever bought that related to quilting. Then I became promptly overwhelmed by the possibilities it provided.

While I was flipping thru it I decided to pick my favorite pinwheel blocks and I picked almost 40! So I narrowed that down to my top 12 and I have decided to set a goal for myself of 2 a month so I can have the last 6 months of the year to quilt it. I plan on giving this quilt as a gift so finishing it before December is a must!

2. This next book is actually my most recent book purchase that relates to quilting and my current favorite :) I aquired it as part of a club I am in at my LQS; our goals are 7 blocks a month and at the end of the year (or 13 months) we will have 90 blocks to make a queen size quilt with!

I am have added another layer of difficulty to this project for myself by deciding to hand piece... from beginning to end... and then hand quilt it... why does just typing that out scare the crap outta me? LOL Must be the accountability part of things that always intimidated me before about a quilt along.

3. My third project for the year will be to use the following pattern and fabric bundle that I purchased at Quilt Festival. The moment I saw this quilt hanging in the show portion of Festival it was instant LOVE and then when I ran accross the bundle and pattern package while shopping, purchasing it was a no brainer.

I was actually so excited when I saw this that I jumped and ran over to my mom who was walking down the aisle with my daughter to show her what I had found. In my excitement I didn't even realize I had walked out of the vendor booth with some of their product... do you see where this is going? When I turned back toward the booth one of the workers was coming after me because he thought I was trying to steal it! I was SO EMBARRASSED!!! After apologizing profusely and paying for my finds we all had a good laugh about it though :)

4. Next up, I have another pattern and fabric bundle combo that I want to get done this year. I have been hoarding this bundle because I am so inlove with anything Katie & Birdie do I couldn't bare to cut into it.

I have been trying to convince myself that if I love looking at and petting this little bundle of beauty I will equally love wrapping up in a quilt made of it. And what better year than this one to do just that.

5. Lastly, I am going to use one of my quilting magazines as inspiration to make this dog bed. My poor, poor mistreated doggies are currently suffering thru sleeping away their days on my furniture. I am not sure if this bed will get them out of the furniture but its worth a shot!

So, there you have it! These are the projects I have choosen, let the accountability begin! I must admit though I am very happy with the projects I have choosen and love the diversity of my modern quilting library :)

Linking up with chezzetcook for The Library Project (TLC) and Stitch by Stitch for Anything goes Monday!

Thanks for stopping by,

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Sunday Stash #1

Welcome to my first ever Sunday Stash! I am VERY excited to start participating in this linky party with Molli Sparkles! Since I have never participated in the Sunday Stash fun I have the pleasure of showing off some oldies but goodies from my stash.

This was one of my many favorite collections of 2013:

Zombie Apocalypse! by Emily Taylor Design for Riley Blake.

The reason I loved this line so much was the minute I saw it I knew it was the PERFECT fabric line for my dad. He loves to joke about an eventual zombie apocalypse so I figured what better quilt to keep him warm during an apocalypse than one made with zombie fabric!

AND this fabric includes plenty of practical wisdom. Did you know zombies can't climb trees? Neither did I! Until I saw these awesome prints in three color ways.

Zombie eyes for awesome accents? Yes, please.

And these guys are just plan creepy and fun. I have plans to turn this super cool fabric into a quilt for my dad this year (gotta get this done before the end of the world as we know it ;) ) so stay tuned!

Thanks for stopping  by,

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

WIP Wednesday #1

While organizing, cleaning and doing a little general 'de-cluttering' yesterday I found my oldest WIP ever.

My grandmother taught me to cross stitch when I was a young girl. At least 15 years ago. And that is when my crafting ADD also kicked in apparently because this project was sadly abandoned.

An upclose picture of the stitching. I was pretty good if I do say so myself!

I love everything about this lunch box. I had to have been my brothers because I was a total Ninja Turtle fan. I must have stolen it from him to store my cross stitching in it ;o) and he would have been so embarassed if his friends would have found what was inside!

I had totally forgotten about my grandmothers thread storage and its super clever! I will definitely be replicating this again in the future for my embrodiery thread storage.

As you can see this project was only about 3/4s done before I abandoned it . My teenage life must have gotten in the way and I became 'too cool' for cross stitching, who knows really. Never fear, I will not be throwing this epically old WIP away though! I actually have hopes that my daughter will want me to teach her one day and she will finish what I started oh so long ago :) A girl can dream right?

Linking up to Freshly Pieced for WIP Wednesday!

Thanks for stopping by,

Monday, January 13, 2014

Anything Goes Monday #1

My 2014 word and Quilty Goals:

On different blogs I have been reading I have seen people picking words that they hope will inspire them throughout the year. I like the idea of focusing on a positive word for the year so I figured I would join in! My word this year is "PRESENT". I don't have a goal of receiving more presents in 2014 (although I certainly wouldn't complain :)) or even giving away more presents. I am going to focus on BEING present in the year 2014.

My daughter will be turning 1 year old in less than two weeks. Where in the world has this year gone? I know all other parents out there can completely relate to that question. So, for the upcoming year I want to focus on being present with my daughter. Not wondering when she will start talking or even sleeping thru the night but enjoying the moments for exactly what they are because before I know it she will be moving out.

I also want to remember to be present and enjoy the time that I spend away from my daughter. I am often so concerned with getting back to her or missing her that I completely miss out on the awesome people I have right there around me. Visiting with customers at work ( I am blessed to work at my LQS!) or even the classes that I take there.

2014 will be the year of me being PRESENT in all aspects of my life, even my quilty life.

Now on to my 2014 Quilty goals... this is a quilting blog after all!

1. Pictures - my first goal is to improve my photography skills and hopefully this little ol' blog of mine will benefit from that! My next post will have pictures! Promise :)

2. Quilt Along - I really want to make as many quilty friends as possible so I have decided I will participate in a quilt along to help get the ball rolling.

3. Finish 4 quilts (all the way down to the binding), one for each quater of the year. I hope people don't feel like this is a cop out but in my effort to be more present in all aspects of my life I want to ENJOY quilt making. Not feel like it is a race from one quilt to the next. SO, as many as I get done is what will be.

4. Get over my hate of starching, ironing and pinning. When I sit down to quilt I want that fabric to FLY! and my accurracy often pays for that. I know I will improve my accurracy with good prep-work so I will do my best to get over the extreme dislike of it. I may not love it by the end of the year but I sure hope not to hate it anymore.

5. Link up to other blogs. Another way I hope to make plenty of new quilty friends.

6. Lastly, I want to blog AT LEAST once a week. I want to see my growth over the year thru this blog and I can't look back to see that if I never post to being with!

I am linking this post up to Stitch by Stitch for Anything Goes Monday. Looks like I can already cross one of those goals off my list! Scratch that. I waited too long to post and the linky party is now closed :(... There is always next week!

Thanks for stopping by,